Stakeholder Relationships

Nature of interest/stake
Engagement strategy
Regulation and compliance with legislation.
Empower with project information. Present Integrated Annual Report and Corporate Plan. Account on performance and governance of the organisation. Manage the relationship.
Shareholder (Ministry)
Directive and mandate to operate. Financial guarantees and compliance. Account on performance and governance of the organisation. Consult stakeholder on all major decisions. Provide project monthly reports. Hold regular meetings. Collaborate and empower with relevant information. Manage the relationship.
Shareholder Department (DWS)
Compliance on Ministerial directives and mandate.
Advise on funding requirements. Provide advice and support on consultations with bulk water users. Communicate results and performance. Obtain feedback on requirements or any changes. Provide frequent status reports and updates. Have stream focused collaborative meetings/engagements at senior management level. Collaborate and empower with relevant information. Manage the relationship.
National Treasury
Operation within borrowing limits. Compliance with applicable legislation. Account for performance and governance of the organisation. Consult on all major financial decisions and PFMA related matters. Provide regular status reports and updates. Collaborate and empower with relevant information. Manage the relationship.
Major Water Boards
Current and future raw water off-takers and tariff payments.
Involve and keep stakeholders informed on all developments within the implementation of projects. Provide support on consultations with bulk potable water users. Ensure regular reporting on project progress. Provide transparent information. Explore future opportunities. Manage the relationship.
Water Boards and water entities
Key water sector role- players.
Empower and consult on sector-wide issues. Provide support on consultations with bulk potable water users. Lobby for support, as required.
Mutually beneficial relationships on bulk raw water infrastructure projects. Raw water off-takers and tariff payments Involve and keep stakeholders informed on all developments within the implementation of projects. Ensure regular reporting on project progress. Provide transparent information. Manage the relationship.
Local Government
Availability of water infrastructure in a jurisdiction.
Identify relevant municipalities and collaborate with them. Lobby for support as required.
Ability to service loans.
Keep satisfied. Keep informed on the financial standing of the organisation. Meet regularly. Comply with contractual agreements. Report on good governance.
Favourable decisions.
Empower and consult on relevant issues. Establish representative community forums in active project areas.
Government Regulators
Compliance and good governance.
Keep satisfied. Keep informed. Engage regularly. Provide compliance reports.
Bi-national partnerships
Servicing the terms of the Treaty.
Manage closely. Collaborate and consult. Regular meetings with bi-national partners.
Rating agencies
Provide credit ratings on projects, used by funders and other interested parties
Provide requested information
Successful implementation of projects.
Manage closely. Schedule monthly performance evaluation meetings. Monitor performance. Satisfy contractual obligations.
Suppliers & consultants
Provision of quality services & products and timeous payment of services rendered. Successful management of contractors. Manage closely. Schedule monthly performance evaluation meetings.

Monitor performance. Inform timeously on changes. Satisfy contractual obligations.

Accessibility of information and brand visibility.
Keep informed. Engage and empower. Provide factual information. Ensure deadlines are met on all enquiries. Manage the relationship.
Civil society
Social and environmental responsibility.
Keep satisfied. Consider needs and concerns. Respond decisively and responsibly. Manage the relationship.
Affiliations and associations
Contribution to excellence in the sector.
Share information. Attend to all membership requirements within guidelines and expectations.
Internal stakeholders
Organisational performance and a conducive working environment.
Manage the relationship closely. Collaborate and empower with information. Account on performance and governance of the organisation. Consult stakeholder on all major decisions. Have regular meetings. Promote organisational values. Promote accessibility. Motivate. Provide effective communication.

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