Each year, South Africa hosts the National Water Week to spread a simple message that metsi ke bophelo or water is life. TCTA has, over the years, actively taken part in this important national event. This year was no different when the National Water Week took place from 20 to 26 March. Several activities occurred over the seven days.

On Thursday, 24 March, TCTA partnered with the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), Joburg Zoo, and the Joburg City Parks to host a multi-stakeholder event in Rabie Ridge, Midrand. The about 100 community members comprised learners from Dr Mathole Motshekga Primary School, community leaders and the public.

Florence Ndhundhuma, Events Co-ordinator Sharonese Pillay and Project Engineer Sego Kelefetswe. The team took turns sharing knowledge about saving water and TCTA’s role in the water sector and was pleasantly by learners exhibiting an impressive appreciation of the importance of water.

Each learner took to the podium to recite a speech about this scarce commodity. The key pointers shared in the speeches were: “Water is life; we cannot survive without water; we need water to eat, drink and bath; let us all use water sparingly.”

As TCTA and its partners hosted the event near a wetland, its clean-up campaign formed part of the day’s activities. Community members turned out to take part in the campaign.

National Water Week is a DWS awareness campaign, which serves as a powerful campaign mechanism for re-iterating the value of water and the need for its sustainable management. The campaign aims to raise awareness of water conservation, sustainability, climate change and related matters. The theme for this year was “Groundwater–making the invisible, visible.”

Published On: April 29th, 2022 / Categories: TCTA News /

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